Butter Cream
by Cathy Kovarik
Comments (5)
Gary F Richards
Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest CLOSE UP OF A FULLY OPEN ROSE - NO ABSTRACT- SEE R...
Gary F Richards
Spectacular composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest MACRO YELLOW CORAL PINK ROSES - ALL MEDIA
Randy Rosenberger
Big Surprise for you today! Your piece of beautiful artwork that you have submitted to our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group has been chosen by its administrator to be featured on our Homepage of our family of friends and fine artists within our group, which is constantly growing. Congratulations are in order for you for being chosen to appear in this prestigious spot within the Homepage of the WFS group. Thanks much for sharing the beauty of your artwork with other artists and potential buyers.