Chubby Dove
by Cathy Kovarik
Comments (14)
Donna Kennedy
Beautiful photo and processing Cathy, Congratulations on your Spotlight Artist Feature of the Week in WFS!...L
Carolyn Rosenberger
Congrats on being chosen as the Spotlight Artist of the Week! Beautiful work! L&F
Doug Kreuger
Cathy, Congratulations on your WFS Spotlighted Artist Feature for this beautifully painted dove. L&F
Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for being chosen as our SPOTLIGHT FEATURED ARTIST in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, as it is an honor and privilege to FEATURE your great works of art on our site, and this FEATURED position is the most prestigious of them all. A big thank you for submitting this imagery of high quality and awesome presentation for us to use to promote your fine artworks. FAVED AND LIKED Check out our homepage to enjoy your SPOTLIGHT FEATURE! Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group)